Dr. Michael Krauß
I've been very happy with my P4 until now, especially in comparison with other carbon bows that I have tried. The 6 and 7-class bows that I have tried on my new Bailly violin were a significant improvement. But the S8 plays in a totally different league of sound. I would even prefer it to an E. Sartory that I played on this violin.
Ultimately this is the element why I love the violin so much: The sound production is so complex that every instrument has its own character, and even a bow that is made with modern, scientific methods provides plenty of room for a very special sound spectrum.
This renders the search so exciting, to find an instrument, a bow, strings and all other things to get as close as possible to my own ideal sound, coupled also with objective criteria. It is also thanks to your bows that I am getting very close to it ...