Laura Jenkins



First, I want to say very loudly and emphatically that I really love playing with this bow. It is definitely wonderful to play. My teacher tried it, too, and he also was extremely impressed with both how it sounded and how it played. He also remarked that the balance and the bounce and control were really excellent. He normally plays with a very heavy, US$ 4.500 bow, so impressing him means a whole lot, in my opinion. It is an incredibly comfortable bow to play! Extremely easy to manoeuvre, and very responsive!

After all my looking at carbon-fibre bows, there is no doubt that this is the best of all I have tried. Oh, and there is no question to people across the room that the Arcus is the loud bow.

The main bow guy at the violin shop said to me about carbon-fibre: That if you think about it, they are not making carbon-fibre tennis rackets to perform just like wooden tennis rackets... they just try to make the best tennis rackets possible. And that's just what you are doing, except with bows. I think it is exactly the right idea.

I'm happier and happier with this bow every day.